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Haere mai.

How monotonous our speaking becomes when we speak only to ourselves! And how insulting to the other beings … that no longer sense us talking to them, but only about them, as though they were not present in our world…” David Abram, Becoming Animal


E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karanga maha o te wā, tēnā koutou katoa. 


I’m a former academic and current public servant living on the ancestral lands of Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai in Te Ika-a-Māui (North Island) Aotearoa (New Zealand).


I’m interested in what it means for humans to live well with other animals, plants, materials, and forces of the earth.


This site is a growing archive of my written, photographic, and design research in multispecies anthropology. 


Ko Anne Galloway toku ingoa. 


Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.


Loving Gus … Getting to Know Sheep (2023)


“I can tell you that skinning sheep is hot and slippery work. I’ve cut myself and seen the same layers of skin, fat, muscle and bone in my own body…”


Dirty Furniture #6 – Bed

Making Sheep-Kin at the End of the World (2022)


“To be allowed to sit with sheep, to earn their trust and have them accept you as their kindred, requires modulating your own body and spirit. Sheep move slowly, steadily, and deliberately—until they startle and bolt…”


Kinship Vol 03: Partners


“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


Whānau / Family (2020) 


These photos represent three generations of sheep living together:








Flock (2020)


“We often assume that domestication only means bringing something into the human world, under human control. But the sheep have domesticated me into their world as well…”


Anthropocene Unseen: A Lexicon


“Galloway’s work is aligned with what’s often called speculative design, or design fiction. It is essentially creative cultural research, rooted in designed artifacts. The designs aren’t intended to solve user-based problems or needs; they’re not meant to result in manufactured products. They’re created instead to ask provocative questions, to pose future scenarios that are partly fact and partly fiction, and to form bridges between academic and popular debate around important technological, cultural and socio-political issues. Because these visions are based on people’s lived experiences, and created for public engagement, Galloway refers to what she does as ‘speculative design ethnography’.”

― Sara Hendren, Ablerism


Counting Sheep: NZ Merino in an Internet of Things (2014)




A dream for slow technology that honours NZ’s natural environment and pays tribute to generations of Māori and Pākehā Merino growers, shearers and wool handlers.

Grow Your Own Lamb

“A revolutionary new service that puts NZ consumers in charge of how their meat is produced!”


A NZ government-led biotech and heritage project creates a new species for the nation.

Kotahitanga Farm

An experiment in mapping sheep in extensive farming systems. Kotahitanga is the te reo Māori word for “oneness” and embodies values of unity, reciprocity, and respect.

Throwing the Bones (2021)

With sheep astragalus (knuckle bone) game pieces, this is an oracle and storytelling game for shepherds to play during lambing season, or any other time we need to grapple with life and death. 

With the Animals (2022)

A game of multispecies observation, reflection, and imagination for shepherds.





anne AT morethanhumanlab DOT nz